Health Well Being

Maternity and Compression

Pregnancy is one of the most exciting times in a woman’s life, not to mention the most stressful. As a new life starts to grow and shape inside a woman’s body, many changes happen not only on the outside but on the inside too. While many women are lucky enough to experience a smooth-sailing pregnancy, others are not as fortunate and can suffer from various complications and illnesses during pregnancy.

“It is said that the present is pregnant with the future.” Voltaire.

Poor circulation is known to affect many pregnant women. It is partly caused by overactive hormones and the fact that your body’s inner processes gradually slow down during pregnancy, making it hard for the blood in your body to keep flowing at a pre-pregnancy rate. Elevating your legs whenever possible is one of the best ways to improve circulation and allows gravity to help blood flow back in the direction of the heart. Maternity compression stockings also help to improve circulation during and after pregnancy by putting pressure on your veins through graduated compression, coaxing blood flow back towards the heart.

Another severe medical condition during and after pregnancy is abdominal separation, also known as diastasis recti. Let’s examine what it is and what causes it.

What Is Diastasis Recti?

Diastasis Recti is a condition in which the large abdominal muscles separate. This can occur during or after pregnancy. It is common in women over 35 who have delivered a high birth weight baby or have had multiple pregnancies. It is most notable after delivery.

What Are The Symptoms Of Diastasis Recti?

The symptoms of diastasis recti usually occur after the delivery of a baby. These symptoms include;

  1. Weakness in your abdominal muscles.
  2. Hip or pelvic pain.
  3. Urine leakage when coughing or sneezing.
  4. Pain during intercourse.
  5. Lower back pain.
  6. Poor posture.
  7. A visible or protruding bulge above or below your belly button.
  8. Jelly-like softness around your belly button.
  9. Difficulty walking, lifting objects, or performing everyday tasks.
  10. Constipation.

Is Diastasis Recti Painful?

No, the condition is not painful and may cause weakness in your abdominal muscles without causing pain.

What Are The Risk Factors For Diastasis Recti?

  • Being over the age of 35 years old.
  • Multiple pregnancies back to back.
  • Having twins or triplets. The more babies you are pregnant with at one time increases your risk.
  • Birthing a heavy or big baby.
  • Vaginal delivery. Pushing during labour can increase your risk.

How Is The Diastasis Recti Diagnosed?

There are a few methods to diagnose the condition. These are;

  • A physical examination where your healthcare provider will use their hands and fingers to check for physical signs of the condition.
  • Some healthcare providers will opt for an ultrasound.
  • While others will use a measuring tape known as a calliper for a more accurate measurement.

How To Test Yourself For Diastasis Recti?

  • Lie down with your feet flat on the floor and bend your knees.
  • Keeping one hand behind your head for support, lift your shoulders slightly off the ground, and look down at your belly.
  • With your palms down, move your hand over your belly button area.
  • Now use your fingers to feel if there is a gap between your abs, paying careful attention to how many fingers can fit in the gap between your right and left abdominals. If the crack is more significant than two or more fingers wide, discuss your concerns with your healthcare provider, and they will confirm or refute your medical suspicions while providing the necessary medical support.

Speaking to your healthcare provider about all of your pregnancy concerns is vital for your and your baby’s health.

When it comes to maternity wear, however, Solidea South Africa has got you covered, baby bump and all.

Here are some of the best types of maternity wear, pre and post-pregnancy.

Solidea’s Best Selling Maternity Compression Wear

  1. Our Wonder Model Maman 70 Sheer Compression stockings can be worn during and after pregnancy. These uber comfy maternity pantyhose are made for sensuous support. The light graduated compression effectively improves blood circulation while preventing spider and varicose veins, water retention, and ankle swelling. The expandable material also provides soft and comfortable support for your growing tummy.
  2. Our maternity compression shorts are cute and provide much-needed support for a growing belly. These comfortable maternity shorts are designed with the expectant mother in mind. Our patented micro-massage anti-cellulite wave knit technology fits like a second skin because of the expandable soft tummy and anatomical shape. With built-in compression, these maternity shorts promote good blood circulation, control cellulite, and reduce water retention. Our soft non-constricting waistband supports your growing tummy and reduces lower back pressure.

Visit us online and shop the latest in our wide range of compression wear. We cater to every individual looking to start taking better care of their legs while treating symptoms that may lead to blood flow problems in the future.

Here at Solidea, South Africa, we strive to bring you the best lines in compression wear, be it pre or post-maternity. We specialise in graduated compression stockings to better support you and your compression needs, one pair of compression stockings at a time! Shop our maternity line here